Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Coffee really isn't that bad.....

Very early into my pregnancy I knew that I didn't want advice from everyone, who am I kidding....I didn't want advice from anyone.  I remember a few weeks into the pregnancy I mentioned to my sister about the cup of coffee I drank that morning.  Let me just say, she wigged out!!!  She told me that I was going to loose the baby and to call the doctor right away to let him know what the issue is.  Needless to say, I called the doctor and my doctor who is not only the most wonderful doctor in the WHOLE world, he is also a high risk doctor and VERY conservative...he said, "don't worry about drinking coffee, it is a myth that coffee can make you miscarry", he did however caution me that later in pregnancy the coffee could speed up the baby's heart beet and if that happens he would restrict all caffeine.  That didn't happen and I happily drank a cup of coffee every morning. 

The day I found out I was going to be a Mommy

It was July 31st 2009, I had been having cramping for about a week and thought that I was going to have the worst menstrual cycle in the world. I had taken the day off of work and went to get a massage. As I was laying on the massage table, I noticed that something just didn't feel 'right'. On my way home I decided to stop and get a pregnancy test (don't ask me why). Needless to say, I didn't follow the directions and took the pregnancy test as soon as I got home. It said PREGNANT!  Honestly, I was certain that the "NOT" was broken.  I had lived 34 years and never thought that I would really be a mommy!

The rest is history which I will begin blogging about.